Star Rovers

Star Rovers

The three Star Rovers, art by Sid Greene.
Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Mystery in Space #66
(March 1961)
Created by Gardner Fox (writer)
Sid Greene (artist)
In-story information
Member(s) Homer Gint
Rick Purvis
Karel Sorensen

"Star Rovers" was an short, science fiction, American comic book feature published by DC Comics between 1961 and 1964. The feature first appeared in seven issues of DC's science-fiction anthology comic Mystery in Space, followed by two issues of DC's companion science-fiction title Strange Adventures. The characters were created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Sid Greene, who were responsible for all nine stories.


Publication history

Mystery in Space was an anthology comic book that featured short science fiction stories together with a number of ongoing features. The first Star Rovers story, "Who Caught the Loborilla?" (Mystery in Space #66, March 1961) is not bannered as a Star Rovers story as such. In an editorial in the reprint title DC Super-Stars '#8 (Oct. 1976), titled DC Super-Stars Of Space, DC editor Jack C. Harris states that the Star Rovers were not at that point designed as a series, and "Who Caught the Loborilla?" was written as a standalone story. However, the characters returned three issues later in "What Happened on Sirius-4?" (Mystery In Space #69, Aug. 1961), and then due to public demand became a regular series under the "Star Rovers" title. The team appeared a further five times in Mystery In Space, every third issue, before switching to DC's other science-fiction anthology title, Strange Adventures, for "Will the Star Rovers Abandon Earth?" (Strange Adventures #159, Dec. 1963) and one last appearance in that title, "How Can Time Be Stopped?" (Strange Adventures #163, April 1964), after which the series ended. The first two stories were eight-page tales; this was extended to 10 pages from the third story onward.

DC later reprinted the first four Star Rovers stories in [Strange Adventures #232-236 (Oct. 1971 - June 1972). The last five stories were reprinted in DC's science-fiction reprint title From Beyond the Unknown #18-22 Sept. 1972 - May 1973). The third story, "Where is the Paradise of Space?", from Mystery in Space #74, was later issued in another reprint title, DC Super-Stars '#8.

The characters played a critical part in the three-part comic-book miniseries Twilight by Howard Chaykin and José Luis García-López (Twilight, Books I-III, Dec. 1990 - Feb. 1991) and the associated graphic novel Ironwolf, Fires Of The Revolution (1992). The team has since made only one further appearance, in Starman vol. 2, #55 (July 1999), by writers James Robinson and David S. Goyer, with penciler Peter Snejbjerg.


The lead characters in Star Rovers were three 22nd century adventurers, Homer Gint a novelist and sportsman, Karel Sorensen, a former Miss Solar System winner now a space-adventurer and playboy Rick Purvis. These three characters were not depicted as a team as such; instead, they would meet under varied circumstances, normally to vie for a prize or award, and encounter individual difficulties. The hook of most of the Star Rover stories was that each character would have a different viewpoint on the problem and come up with his or her own solution; sometimes none of them were right, sometimes they all were. Normally the characters would then have to get together and pool their experiences and resources to win the day, often saving Earth or some other planet or civilization as a result.

Sorensen is unusual in early 1960s comics as she is depicted as a strong, intelligent female on an equal footing with the male characters. Otherwiswe, there is little character development in the stories, with the exception of "Where Was I Born - Venus? Mars? Jupiter?", in Mystery in Space #77 (Aug. 1962), which gives some information on the Star Rovers' individual backgrounds.

Other appearances

After 1964, other than a one-panel appearance in The History of the DC Universe (Book 2, 1986), and an entry in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory Of The DC Universe #22 (Dec. 1986), no further mention of the Star Rovers was made until a new reading of the trio played a critical part in the three-part comic-book miniseries Twilight by Howard Chaykin and José Luis García-López (Twilight, Books I-III, Dec. 1990 - Feb. 1991).

A makeover for most of DC's 1950s and 1960s science-fiction characters, Twilight depicts a savage, relentlessly militaristic universe for these hapless characters, far removed from their simple 1960s universes. The characters are significantly twisted (physically and psychologically) from their heroic earlier incarnations. Beginning with the wars between humans and a resistance formed by robotics-augmented animals and mutant cyborgs, man's future history is narrated (in framing sequences for each issue) by an ancient Homer Gint, once of the Star Rovers, who is quickly established as a former spin-doctor for the human government. Gint tells how Rick Purvis double-crossed and beheaded a gorilla leader of the animal/automaton matrix live on an intergalactic broadcast, and, through Gint's engineering of the story, became a figurehead for massed human hatred of the non-human alliance. We also discover Gint worked for an intergalactic news agency. Furthermore, we discover he also manipulated the image of the fascist military ruler Tommy Tomorrow image in a similar way earlier during the war, and that Purvis and Karel Sorenson also worked as journalists.

Julius Schwartz cameos

Artist Sid Greene was fond of drawing DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz into his stories whenever he could. The following is a list of the Star Rovers tales in which Schwartz is identifiable:



External links